Everything went well, I'm measuring right on track as is the baby. The baby was moving all around and it took a couple of minutes to locate the heartbeat - but it was there :)
My midwife lent us some books and CDs with affirmations and relaxation exercises. She also gave me a pregnancy tea recipe that I would like to share:
1 part red raspberry leaf
1 part nettles
1/2 part oatstraw
1/2 part horsetail
1/2 part mint, lemon, or hibiscus for flavor
She said that I can drink up to a quart a day. She also recommended a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses per day, taken with milk, for iron and other nutrients.
So, probably not much to report until the anatomy scan on November 11th. I'll probably take a belly pic this weekend!
Hello world!
1 year ago
I love that tea!