And she is still pretty sleepy!
She is eating well and seems to be getting a little bigger. The newborn clothes are not quite as enormous on her! I spoke to the nurse at the infant apnea clinic today and it looks like we have three more weeks on the monitor. It's a pain but also reassuring. Since she is not supposed to be out and about yet I am trying to focus on just being with her every day and soaking it in. I know that this time will be over soon and I won't have it back. It's not how I planned to spend my maternity leave but I'm trying to make the most of it.
One thing I would like to have is a solid chunk of sleep. Hannah eats around midnight, 3 AM, 6 AM, and 9 AM. We are not on a formal schedule but she seems to wake up around those times, give or take 20 minutes. Sometimes it takes her 45 minutes to eat. Even though I go to bed at 9 or 10 and don't up until her 9 AM feeding I'm pretty tired in the morning. So on Saturday I'm going to pump and Steve is going to handle the midnight feeding (he is usually up anyway) while I try to sleep for 5-6 hours in a row. I am really looking forward to it! I am finally feeling OK with the occasional bottle since nursing is going so well.
I think that is all the Hannah news for now!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Happy one month!! I forgot how all-consuming the nursing can be. Merritt was definitely in a routine at first, I think he was used to the every three hour nicu feeds. Now that he's settled into a true nursing on demand schedule he's eating every 45 minutes to 2 hours. Maybe he's gearing up for a growth spurt, but i'm so super TIRED!! :) I can empathize with being shut in too...Since we came home last Thursday I've only been out of the house once (well, a pedi appointment, and a few walks around the neighborhood). I'm feeling pretty gross about it. We were told to wait 12 weeks before taking M anywhere populated. You?